Sunday, December 13, 2009

Here we go again...

Today I officially began my couch potato to 10K running program.  As of this week I will be running 4 days a week, instead of just 3.  I'm not sure what makes me think I can do this, as I've struggled to fit in just 3 days, but I'm committed.   I'll give it a good go.  The fact of the matter is that I am happy with the results.  I like the way I feel after I run (not during, I must stress).  I like the benefits.  So, I'm still in.  I am pleased to note that for this first week I only have to run for 25 minutes straight, I suppose this is a compromise of sorts since they are adding a day of running.  I ran today and still managed to squeak in 3 miles.  I kicked my speed up .2 miles, and for the very last 2 minutes of my run I cranked it up .8....and nearly fell off the treadmill once.  Anyway, this week will be about time, not distance (I say that now...but who am I kidding?  If I don't get in 3 miles each run I will feel like I'm moving backwards). goal yet as to when I will be able to run a 10K, but....I'm guessing the end of March.
We'll see.

Monday, December 7, 2009

OH, YEAH!!!!

And today marks the day that I did my very last couch potato to 5K run.  I finished the program.  I can run a 5K in just under 40 minutes.  I'm feeling just a bit giddy right now.  Next up?  I hear they have a couch potato to 10K.  And since this last program worked so well for me, I figured I might as well give it a shot.  After all, I am now running 30 minutes without a break (5 minutes of walking bookends this 30 minutes).  At my current pace I would need to run for over 1 hour.  Ha.  Then again, in my younger more athletic years, an hour of aerobic activity didn't kill me.  But that was a quad-step class (SOOOOO MUCH FUN) and was more like learning a new dance every class.  So I'm pretty sure that EVENTUALLY I will be able to do this.  Eventually....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lest we forget....

So my postings are becoming fewer and fewer but I want to assure you that this does not mean I have stopped running.  It means that it is the Holiday Season and I (like most of you) have got LOTS going on.  It isn't an excuse, it's an explanation.  I would like to add that all of my training the past week paid off on Black Friday.  I was wicked fast!  AND, if I were wearing a pedometer while I shopped this season, I am quite certain that I have logged MILES in Target alone.  Shopping really is good for you!  So, what you need to know is that I'm doing my very best to squeeze my runs into my day.  Well, maybe not my VERY best.  I am not so in love with running to get up early in the morning.  I know people who get up at 5am to run.  Good for you.  I will never be that person.  But, I am the person who runs at 8pm.  It's a matter of personal taste and sanity.  Mornings are just not my thing.  
On a different note, I need to give a SHOUT OUT to a friend of mine.  She will remain nameless unless she reads this post and chooses to identify herself.  She ran 10 miles (during just ONE run) this week!  Isn't that amazing?  I'm super impressed with her and want her to know that I think she's awesome.  Way to go girlie.
And with that, I'm signing off for the night.  May all your Holiday Shopping experiences be happy, bright, and aerobic.  Nothing like multi-tasking....