Sunday, December 13, 2009

Here we go again...

Today I officially began my couch potato to 10K running program.  As of this week I will be running 4 days a week, instead of just 3.  I'm not sure what makes me think I can do this, as I've struggled to fit in just 3 days, but I'm committed.   I'll give it a good go.  The fact of the matter is that I am happy with the results.  I like the way I feel after I run (not during, I must stress).  I like the benefits.  So, I'm still in.  I am pleased to note that for this first week I only have to run for 25 minutes straight, I suppose this is a compromise of sorts since they are adding a day of running.  I ran today and still managed to squeak in 3 miles.  I kicked my speed up .2 miles, and for the very last 2 minutes of my run I cranked it up .8....and nearly fell off the treadmill once.  Anyway, this week will be about time, not distance (I say that now...but who am I kidding?  If I don't get in 3 miles each run I will feel like I'm moving backwards). goal yet as to when I will be able to run a 10K, but....I'm guessing the end of March.
We'll see.

Monday, December 7, 2009

OH, YEAH!!!!

And today marks the day that I did my very last couch potato to 5K run.  I finished the program.  I can run a 5K in just under 40 minutes.  I'm feeling just a bit giddy right now.  Next up?  I hear they have a couch potato to 10K.  And since this last program worked so well for me, I figured I might as well give it a shot.  After all, I am now running 30 minutes without a break (5 minutes of walking bookends this 30 minutes).  At my current pace I would need to run for over 1 hour.  Ha.  Then again, in my younger more athletic years, an hour of aerobic activity didn't kill me.  But that was a quad-step class (SOOOOO MUCH FUN) and was more like learning a new dance every class.  So I'm pretty sure that EVENTUALLY I will be able to do this.  Eventually....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lest we forget....

So my postings are becoming fewer and fewer but I want to assure you that this does not mean I have stopped running.  It means that it is the Holiday Season and I (like most of you) have got LOTS going on.  It isn't an excuse, it's an explanation.  I would like to add that all of my training the past week paid off on Black Friday.  I was wicked fast!  AND, if I were wearing a pedometer while I shopped this season, I am quite certain that I have logged MILES in Target alone.  Shopping really is good for you!  So, what you need to know is that I'm doing my very best to squeeze my runs into my day.  Well, maybe not my VERY best.  I am not so in love with running to get up early in the morning.  I know people who get up at 5am to run.  Good for you.  I will never be that person.  But, I am the person who runs at 8pm.  It's a matter of personal taste and sanity.  Mornings are just not my thing.  
On a different note, I need to give a SHOUT OUT to a friend of mine.  She will remain nameless unless she reads this post and chooses to identify herself.  She ran 10 miles (during just ONE run) this week!  Isn't that amazing?  I'm super impressed with her and want her to know that I think she's awesome.  Way to go girlie.
And with that, I'm signing off for the night.  May all your Holiday Shopping experiences be happy, bright, and aerobic.  Nothing like multi-tasking....  

Monday, November 30, 2009

N-I-N-E weeks.....

I can't believe I've been doing this for 9 weeks now.  And to be perfectly honest, if I hadn't publicly outed myself 8 weeks ago odds are very good that I would NOT be doing this anymore. My new running shoes would be buried in my shoe basket, my evenings would be spent reading or watching TV, my body would be bigger, my legs would be weaker, and I would be enjoying an all access back stage pass to every dessert table I come across (and let's face season is here.  Bring on the dessert tables! Oi!).  But instead, despite the fact that I *really* didn't want to, I went running tonight.  Week 9.  Run for 30 minutes straight.  No breaks.  And I DID IT!  I have discovered that the first 5 minutes and last 3 minutes of a run are my most challenging.  The first 5 is my body warming up to the pace, the jiggling, the muscle aching burn....the last 3 are spent in anticipation and agony while each step gets me closer and closer to the last.  I haven't really hit the elusive "runners high" that so many of my fellow running friends speak of.  Instead I just get numb....except that I still feel my backside jiggle.  So the point is that the only reason I am still doing this is because I told you about it.    This was simultaniously the wisest and most foolish thing I could have done.  Turns out that accountability is a 2 edged sword.  Who knew?  What I do know is that I'm not running because it's fun.  I'm not running because it is therapy for me.  I'm not running because I had a piece of left-over Pumpkin Pie for lunch (okay, maybe that's not 100% true).  I'm not even running because of the health benefits.  At this moment in time, the only reason I am still running is because I publicly committed myself to it and I am too embarrassed NOT to run.  So while that might not be the BEST reason to run, today it is THE ONLY reason I ran.  And its working.  After 9 weeks, I'm still doing it.  I guess that's something.  Today, that something equaled a 40 minute 3.1 mile run on a treadmill.  Not too shabby.  When I talked about this with my uber-amazing and oh-so-insightful (sometimes) husband he passed on this little gem: When he was training for the Olympic Fencing Team (yeah, I know....freakin' amazing!) his coach told him that there is a cycle to becoming an athlete.  First you try something new.  You like it.  You do it some more.  And eventually you DON'T like it.  For most people, this is where they stop.  They don't bother to push through it.  Those that DO push through it are rewarded because eventually they not only LIKE it again, but it becomes 2nd nature to them.  Like breathing.  It just IS.  I figure that right now I am in my "I hate this and want to stop" stage.  But I'm not going to stop.  I'm going to keep doing this.  It will become 2nd nature to me.  I doubt it will ever be as easy as breathing for me, but....I can say that running for 3 minutes without stopping *IS* pretty easy for me now.  I don't even think about it (unless it's the last 3 minutes).  I just DO it. I have to believe that eventually running for 30 minutes will be like that as well.  I've just gotta give it time.  

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Trot

So I had originally organized a small 5k Turkey Trot for yesterday morning.  And then my family hijacked the plan by deciding that they simply couldn't wait to leave town and elected to leave Tuesday.  However, because I was committed to running a 5K by Thanksgiving, this morning I got up and ran a 5K all by myself.  There is NOTHING like running on a quiet country road, perfect weather, visions of turkey and pie and other such trimmings to make for an amazing run.  It was the "hilliest" run I've ever done.  Up hill, down hill, up hill, up hill some more, etc.  
I have to confess that I've been struggling the past week with this running thing.  It seems that I am good for about 30 minutes and then I get bored.  I'm concerned that 30 minutes of running may be my maximum.  Which is WAY short of the 13 mile mark.  Right now the idea of running for 2 hours minimum is so beyond comprehension.  I seriously hit a wall at 30 minutes.  That's it, that's the best that I can do.  So now that I am running a 5K regularly, I'm just going to hang out here for a bit.  I think I'm just going to spend some time making my 5K faster.  The goal will be to run 5 miles by March.  I'm anticipating lots of indoor running in the future.  Although the weather has been remarkably cooperative to date, it won't stay that way.   
Anyway....the run today was excellent and worth every bite of Thanksgiving indulgence.  Hope you all enjoyed a Happy day with family and/or friends.  

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sharing Time

I just wanted to share the two things I have learned in the last week.  About running.  The hard way.

1.  Unless you have the body of a 14 yr old boy . . . wear a sports bra.  If they are all in the laundry that you haven't done in a week then either dig 'em out or go buy a new one.  Body by Victoria ain't gonna do the trick.  I promise.

2.  If you are prone to blisters use the "Band-aid Friction Block Stick"  or some other form of lubricant (why is that word so dirty?)  I have been using friction block since our second week of running.  I haven't used it the last 2 times I've run.  Now I have a giant blister.  Grrr.  I will now be using Band-Aid's blister band-aids.  I guess they are going to get my money one way or another.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Sadly I have to make a correction.  A week ago I incorrectly logged an outside run as a 5k.  I drove it just to make sure it was 3.1 miles.  Well, turns out that when I pushed my odometer reader to record the trip I managed to switch it from MILES to KILOMETERS.  That's right.  What I thought was 3.1 miles was actually 3.1 KMs!  Cr*p!  I was very disappointed to discover this.  
So today I went for a run...outside...again.  I'm pretty sure I did a 5K today but won't know for sure until I drive it tomorrow.  It took me 45 minutes.   I walked more today then I have my past few runs.  I ran for 25 minutes straight before I took a break to walk. Running outside is *really* hard.  There are these sneaky little things called "false flats" when the road slowly and subtly inclines.  I think my entire run today was a "false flat" 'cause it took me lots longer to run the first half and then when I turned around to run home I was faster and it was SOOO much easier. Gotta love that gravity on a downhill.   The first half of my run my legs were burning, my breathing was heavy and I found myself considering abandoning the entire effort for the day. I was in agony. My nose was runny (a side effect from running in the cold), my glasses kept fogging up and I got a cramp on my right side.  It was not a pleasant experience.  But it was a beautiful crisp day and I was determined to do the run.  Besides, it wasn't like I could stop 1/2 way...I had to get home.
In the end, it was worth it...of course.  But I was not thinking happy thoughts during my run.  In fact, I was thinking that I don't want to do this anymore.  I really wanted to just stop and if I had been at the gym running on the treadmill, I probably would have stopped.  SIGH.  8 weeks.  When does this become a habit?  Soon.  I hope.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Starting week 8

I can't believe I've been doing this for 8 weeks.  Today I ran for 28 minutes without stopping.  It took me 38 minutes to do my 5K.  I spent my run reflecting on the experience.  I still am not in love with running.  It hurts.  Things jiggle.  A lot.  However, I find myself in a panic if I miss running.  I worry that all the hard work I've done to this point will be lost.  That I'll gain a pound overnight (not such a far-fetched idea...I swear it has happened).  That if I miss one day, it will be easier to miss another and then another and then suddenly I'm not doing ANYTHING again.  So even if I don't enjoy the act of running, I enjoy the benefits.  I dig having a program to follow so that I don't do the same thing over and over (which is what I do when I work out on the elliptical).  I like that I have goals and that there is a way of tracking my progress.  And I am completely addicted to that feeling of accomplishment.  It is a rush.  Dare I say that it does more for me then chocolate in any form?  The happy endorphins that are released when I run are so much more powerful.  I come home after a run and discover that I still have energy, that I find my family easier to deal with (I have 3 little kids and a husband...who actually counts as 2 kids so it feels like I have 5), that I've had time to think and organize my thoughts and often times come up with a solution or new motivation for a particular challenge.  I don't know if I will ever LOVE running (well, maybe 30 more pounds and a marathon from now) but from this day forward I will LOVE the benefits.  That's a good enough reason to keep going.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bad Day Part 2 - The Electric Boogaloo

Yes, I just said "Electric Boogaloo".  It's for Ben.  Breakin' 2: The Electric Boogaloo is his favorite movie title of all time.

Ok, back to the running.  Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when Shannon posted Bad Day? Well, I think it is the W6D2 curse.  I'm not kidding.

Ben didn't finish the second 10 minute run due to a calf muscle condition he has been fighting.

Here are the lame reasons why I didn't finish the second 10 minute run:

1.  I had a bad attitude.  People were driving like idiots, I'm SWAMPED with work, my organizational system is out of whack and I have a giant mountain of laundery in my bedroom that hasn't been folded for a month. Like since before I went to visit Shannon.  Oh, and my baby was experiencing post-nap crankiness.  A recipe for disaster.

2.  My chest went all crazy and tight.  I thought my bad habits were finally catching up to me and I was having a heart attack at the age of 30.

3.  I felt like vomiting.

4.  Oh, and I had a bad attitude.

5.  And I gave up.

The moral of this story is that W6D2 is cursed and it wasn't my fault  you are your own worst enemy.

Don't defeat yourself before you even start.

Doctor's Orders....

So I went to see the doctor today to find out if there is any sort of treatment/management we can set up for my knee issues.  Turns out the doctor isn't such a big fan of running while your knee is indicating "stress".  I told her NOT doing something was NOT an option.  She told me running while my knee is having a "flare up" is NOT an option.  So we've compromised.  I can run on the days when my knee isn't swollen BUT on the days when it is swollen I have to choose an alternative activity.  Like the eliptical or recumbent bike.  I opted for the eliptical machine today.  I still did 3 miles but found that I had to work harder to get my heart rate up to the same level that it would be at if I were running....and although 7 weeks ago this would have been my preferred method of aerobic activity, today I found myself wishing I were running...OUTSIDE.  Running outside was the best thing I could have done.  I want to do it ALL the time now.  I even informed my husband that I want "night running gear" for Christmas this year.  Let's see if he remembers.
Anyway....there will be a few days when I don't get to run.  But, its good to mix things up here and there.  I'm not giving up.  I'm mixing up.  Doctor's orders!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2 Miles Baby!!!

So yes I realize that Shannon is hitting 3 miles, but I hit 2 miles tonight!!!  I bumped my running speed up by .4.   It was awesome.

Ok, that's enough for now,  I have to see who is getting sent home on The Biggest Loser!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Addendum to previous post

 In an effort to validate my run yesterday I DROVE the route I ran yesterday.  I am uber pleased to announce that, according to my cars odometer, I ran EXACTLY 3 miles!  It was still way harder then I expected it to be, but I am delighted with the fact that it was manageable.  Yay!  

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A hard lesson to learn

Today was a STUNNINGLY beautiful day.  It was also Sunday though and as a general rule I tend to make this my rest day.  BUT, I didn't run yesterday and needed to run today. I ignored the tempting call of my fluffy couch and novel I'm reading and went running.   Now, despite how lovely it was outside, I walked over to the gym (the whole time thinking "maybe I should run outside today...") and climbed on the treadmill.  I started walking...and thinking....and wondering: what am I doing?  The monotony of the treadmill was gonna kill me.  So, I did what I've been avoiding for the past 4 weeks.  I went running....OUTSIDE.   After 4 weeks of "training" on a treadmill, I was prepared to be amazing.  You can imagine my surprise when after 4 minutes of jogging outside I found myself breathing heavier then I do on the treadmill, parts of my body were hurting that hadn't hurt before now, and I was struggling to get it in gear.  It was REALLY hard.  I was surprised....and disappointed.  I expected to be awesome and I was sub-par at best.  I managed to do the full workout (run 25 minutes) but I know I didn't do 3 miles.  When I got home my loving husband questioned how things went and when I told him how hard it was he replied, "Well, running on a treadmill isn't really running."  WHAT!?!?!  Why didn't anyone warn me?  Why didn't anyone mention that the treadmill was going to give me a false sense of accomplishment?  3 miles on a treadmill is WAY different then 3 miles on the road.  I'm going to try and run outside at least one day a week.  I can't run outside everyday right now because my running time is during the evening and my wonderfully over-protective husband will not let me run in the dark (even with a head lamp and reflective tape all over my clothing).  And, as I've mentioned before...I'm NOT a morning person.  So I will run outside on the days that I can.  I'm a little sad that my 3.25 miles on the treadmill was "fake".  It sort of kills the adrenaline rush of happiness and accomplishment.  But it is better to be real about this.  AND, I've gotta tell ya, the time went MUCH faster running outside and all the other people out running and biking were all so nice....they waved, nodded, said hello and smiled.  It was like I was part of some secret club.  I like that.  I like that a lot.  So....I've learned my lesson about the dangers of the treadmill and will commit to approaching my running in a different way for the next while.  Jeesh.  This is WAY hard....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

20 Stinking Minutes.

Today I ran for 20 minutes without a break.

I ran an entire mile (plus) without a break.

I told my fat, out of shape, lazy, 30 yr old body where to stick it.

Take that body!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ben's Shoes

I have a darling husband.  He's the BEST.  When I decided that I wanted to start running, he joined me.  Even though he really dislikes running.  Of course, he's in much better shape than I am so it hasn't been quite as challenging for him.

Ben has been running on old shoes since we began so when the sole started falling off we decided it was time for new shoes.  We took a trip to the running store so he could be fitted.  After trying on a couple pairs he found the ones he likes.  One problem . . . they're crazy looking.

For the record, I think they are awesome.  The picture doesn't quite do the neon yellow justice.

Tonight I finished W5D2.  This work out entails warmup, 8 minute run, 5 minute walk, 8 minute run, cool down. Ben has been super supportive and even though he should be ahead of me, he held back so we could be on the same schedule again.  He was so proud when I finished my two 8 minute runs.  I love having a husband that supports my crazy plans.

Did you hear a disturbance in the atmosphere today at approximately 6:35pm EDT?  If you did, I can explain.  It was at 6:35pm today that I did what I believed was impossible.  I RAN A 5K...and not only 3.1 miles...but 3.25 miles!  That disturbance you would have heard was me yelling and cheering and crying all at the same time when I finally finished.  It took me 45 minutes.  Of that 45 minutes, I ran 30.  25 of them straight out...and then because I was SOOO close to 3.1 miles I decided to run an additional 5 minutes.  
I've worked HARD.  And despite all of the effort, if you looked at me today you might not see the kind of person who could run a 5K, let alone who WOULD willing run one.  What you would see is a person who weighs 25 lbs less then she did when she started this, who 6 weeks ago couldn't run 90 seconds without wanting to swear, who has discovered a new sense of confidence AND who wants to do this.  And so, I think I can declare M:I:1 done.  On to M:I:2...the 10 K.  UGH!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 5 and Biggest Loser - SPOILER ALERT!

I love Tuesdays.  It's the first night of my new week AND it's Biggest Loser.

First: running.  Started Week 5 tonight.  I did 3 five-minute runs.  SO PROUD.  No breaks, no skimping on runs.  I seriously look forward to running and get excited to do it!  Sometimes on my day off I think about going and sneaking another run in.  However, I've read that you need the recovery days so I don't.  I have also recommitted to good ole' Weight Watchers, I haven't done so well over the last month so it is time.

Second:  Biggest Loser!  Ok, this is really bad but I have a love/hate relationship with Tracey.  I love her because her name is Tracey and she spells it the same way I do. I also like her because our beginning weight was similar.  I also identify with not being able to run a mile in the beginning.  I could do it now, but I know when I started I couldn't have done it either.

I don't like her because she's kinda sneaky and I don't love people who "play the game". Just be nice peeps.   Ben however, doesn't like Shay because he says she cries too much and she's kind of judgmental towards the other contestants effort and drive.  So, we were torn over who we thought should go home.


My favorite part of the night was the Tracey "after" segment since she got sent home.  Did you see her?!  She looks great! AND she is training for a marathon in December!  See people, there really is something to this running thing!  The Tracey's are making strides!  

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bad Day

I've been at this for 6 weeks now and I've never tampered with the program.  I've always done the run for the day the way it was intended to be done.  Today I ran for 10 minutes, walked for 3, ran for 5, walked for 3, ran for 3, walked for 2, and ran for 2.  I know...that doesn't sound so bad BUT I was supposed to run for 10, walk for 3, and then run for 10.  I broke up the last 10 minutes.  I couldn't do was a bad day.  As in a terrible horrible no good very bad day.  Yeah...just call me Alexander.  But, all is not lost!  It was a bad running day, but a great day on the whole.  My mom is visiting from the West Coast.  Nothing makes the world better then M-O-M.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

16 lbs, 16 minutes and 16 Runs - Tracey

That's right people.  16 pounds!  Can you believe it? I have lost 16 stinking pounds since September 15th.  That is even with a 1 1/2 week break in the middle!

Tonight was my 16th workout on the program.  I finished Week 4.  (Remember . . . I had to repeat all of Week 1 and W3D3)  I ran for a total of 16 minutes.  Holy cow.  Ben asked me if he had offered $100 to run for 5 minutes during the first week if I could have done it.  NO WAY!   There is seriously no way.  I would have passed out or something. I'm not kidding. Tonight I ran two three-minute runs and two fine-minute runs.  I'm super proud.  I even went by myself. (Sam refused to nap this afternoon until it was time to go to the gym . . . of course)

So closing thoughts.  Running still sucks and I don't like it when I'm actually doing it.  I'm not going to lie. BUT It will help you lose weight.  It will help get you get in shape.  You will feel better when you are done.


I have only one thing to say tonight.....

2.75 miles!  Yeah, Baby!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Oh Yes...yes I did!  I just finished week 5 day 3.  Do you know what that means?  That means that I got on a treadmill, walked for 5 minutes and then ran for 20 minutes without stopping! Its alright if you can't believe it.... I can't believe it myself.  My motivation for the last 5 minutes was being able to write this in the blog!  AND....the Devil's Food Cake I just baked at home.  Yummy!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oops...I did it again

You know what they say about the best laid plans and all that?  Well, I intended to go running this weekend.  It would have been my first outside run.  But life got in the way.  I was supposed to walk for 5 minutes and then run for 20.  I confess that I was a bit concerned about this and perhaps the reason I didn't run was because I was intimidated by the idea of running for 20 minutes straight.  But because I didn't run for 4 days, when I got on the treadmill today and looked down at my ipod KNOWING that I was supposed to do week 5, day 3...I totally chickened out.  Instead, I ran week 5 day 2...again.  BUT, I did it faster then I did last time AND instead of walking for 5 minutes at the end, I walked for 90 seconds, ran for another 90 and then finished with a 90 second walk.  Don't worry, I still had to walk HOME from the I got in a 5 minute cool down.  I have intentions of doing week 5 day 3 at some point.  I'm thinking it might be at the end of the week.  Maybe.  I'm intimidated by the 20 minute run.  That's a big leap from the 60 seconds I began this whole adventure with.  But, I know it will feel SOOOOO good to be abel to say, "I did it!".  So....we'll see.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Shannon 4 - Tracey 1. Ouch.

Hi  . . . . my name is Tracey.  Just in case you forgot.

This is a post about the lack of running and why you don't take a break.  So as you know, I spent a week in New England with Shannon.  I ran while I was there.  It was fun!  I also worked while I was there.  I took a MILLION pictures.  Ok, maybe not a million but about 3000.

Then I went to Disney World where I did not run.  I was too busy playing and wading through thousands of pictures.  (I did however walk a million miles and eat tons of crappy food.  Apparently the walking paid off though because they weight that I gained at Shannon's was GONE by the time I got home!)

Then I came home.  The little guy needed milk, laundry needed to be done and I had been gone for 2 wks.  So I didn't run Tuesday.

Then it was Wednesday.  And I ran.  For 15 minutes.  I got hurt.  I pulled a muscle in my leg.  Bad.

Now it's Friday and we are running this afternoon. Last night I felt like crap because Shannon is WAY ahead of me and I have basically disappeared from a blog that is really important to me.  I'm now the guest blogger.

I talked to darling hubby about this and he reminded me that this is a goal, not a competition.  So, that being said, I'm going back to my roots.  I will run because I want to run and because it is important. I will only blog 2 time a week. After the first workout and after the last workout.  I blog because I run. Not because I need to blog.  Not because Shannon is out running me. (PS- Shan, I'm super proud of you!  Thanks for keeping this baby alive.) I still love you all and love this blog.  I just need to stop pressuring myself so much!

I'm running for me, Ben and Sam.  Because they deserve a healthy wife and mother.  I deserve to be healthy.

T-Dog out.

Oh . . . and just so you know, we have had visitors from 20 states.  You guys are awesome!!!

Let's here it for the...GIRL.....

I know this song is from like the '80s and originally titled "Let's here it for the BOY" and made popular in that classic FOOTLOOSE (if you have every laid eyes on my hot hubby, you will know that he resembles K.B. quite a bit).
Anyway, I'm diggin' for some props today.  Last night, I went to Relief Society.  And ate yummy food that was probably not as healthy as, say, a Lean Cuisine.  But it was tastier.  I had no intentions of going running.  But, I started thinking about it.  And the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it.  YES!  I said WANTED!  So I came home and went over to the gym for my run on the treadmill.  I'm not gonna was really hard.  But not as hard as I had expected it to be.  I did the required 5 minute warm-up walk, all the while dreading the "run now" command.  Inevitably, the phrase came and I began to jog...FOR 8 MINUTES straight.  Followed by a 5 minute walk.  Followed by ANOTHER 8 MINUTES.  I'm going to let you have a little insight into my persona for a moment.  I am NOT a finisher, by nature.  I start lots of projects and get 3/4 or even 7/8 of the way finished and then I just never complete them.  With that in mind, the last 30 SECONDS of this last run were sheer torture and I very nearly didn't make it.  But I DID do it.  I did!  I managed to run/walk 2.5 miles in 35 minutes. Who-hoo!  I'm really excited about this.  
A lot of people have been asking me lately, "How's the running going?"  The answer: "Great!"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Takin' it Easy" by The Eagles

I went over to the gym today fully prepared to grit my teeth and do today's run.  I was excited.  I knew I could do it.  But I had a lingering shadow of doubt.  Not because it was gonna be a difficult run (it was) but because that ever unpredictable knee of mine had been becoming gradually stiffer as the day wore on.  I was already limping and going down steps one step at a time.  Not a good sign, but I wanted to try.  So I went over to the gym.  Climbed on the treadmill and walked for 5 a pace MUCH slower then usual.  Taking my clue from that when the application voice (who needs a name, by the way) told me to jog...I decided to jog.  Slowly.  It lasted a full minute before my knee literally gave out and I found myself in the embarrassing position of being shot off a treadmill into a pile on the floor.  Point taken.  I didn't get to do my run today.  I'm sad.  I'm very sad.  I decided to lift weights instead.  And then, just to make SURE, I climbed back on the treadmill (isn't there some saying about falling off a horse and getting back on that applies here?).  I walked for 5 minutes.  And then ran....for another 60 seconds....and again, the knee buckled.  I was prepared this time though and grabbed onto the railings.  My feet shot out behind me, and I looked like a total fool trying to figure out how to stop the machine without getting ejected again.  I'll spare you the details.  Suffice it to say, for the first time since starting this venture I had to skip my run.  I'm hoping that within the next 48 hours my knee will improve and I'll be able to go over there and kick some tail.  But for now, I'm mournfully conceding and following the good advice of The Eagles and "Takin' It Easy".  But I'm NOT gonna like it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Are you kidding me?

So I opened up Yahoo today and was horrified to see that one of the headlines said, "3 die running Detroit 1/2 marathon, autopsies to follow".  They were 26, 36, and 65 years old, respectively.  I don't even know where to begin with my comments on this.  Do you? Anyway...this link does clear up a thing or 2 and helps answer some questions that automatically came to my mind: 3 Detroit Marathon Deaths Likely a Fluke - Yahoo! News

Sunday, October 18, 2009

She's a Maniac....

So I'm thinking about titling my post with a song title that I feel describes my run for the day.  It just came to me, so I may NOT do's a thought for now.  Today's title is made better if you imagine yourself (DO NOT imagine me) doing the Flashdance moves complete with sweatband and leg warmers....if you are confident enough to include the tiny bottoms and ripped up sweatshirt slipping off your shoulder, that's for you to know...I don't wanna.
I started week 5 today.  Total killer.  Unlike all the other weeks, this week the run changes each time.  Today was alternating 5 minutes of jogging with 3 minutes of walking.  I don't fully remember how the next run goes...but I know there is an 8 minute jog in there.  AND THEN...the final run of week 5 is 20 minutes straight out!  Hello?!?  That doesn't seem very gradual to me!  I'm fairly certain I'm gonna need to squeeze a walk segment in there somewhere.  Oi!  Enough looking ahead....back to today...

Tonight the run was decent.  I kicked up my pace a bit (only .1, like I said, "a bit"...don't judge me) and was rewarded by completing another 2.5 miles 2 minutes faster.  AWESOME!  Little things like this make me happy.  It may be small, but its still an accomplishment.  I've found a new appreciation for small accomplishments these days.  And since Tracey has just informed me that we need to have a qualifying time in a 10K before even registering for a 1/2 would appear that my time will matter and just finishing it will not be an option.  Great. is a good beginner's running tip: don't run in cotton socks.  EVER.  I'll try to find little jewels like this to pass on every once in a while.  Hopefully not from personal experience.  I actually don't run in cotton socks...but I know someone who has...and as a rule, just don't do it.  It does bad things to your feet.  Trust us.

Friday, October 16, 2009

MIA - Tracey

Ok . . . so it is a good thing Shannon is posting these days 'cause I am a SLACKER!!!  Ok, it could also be because Shannon is too good of an agent and booked me eight photography sessions while I was in New England.

We are currently in Disney World and I have not run since Monday.  Oops.  That's what vacation does.  I have however been walking a million miles a day.  That has to count for something right?

So if I haven't been running, then why am I posting?  Well,  husband who is a week ahead of me with Shannon on the program just informed me yesterday that in order to register for the Disney 1/2 Marathon in September, you have to have a qualifying time to submit from a 10K.

Guess my hiney better get in gear!

Rock it!

You  know that famous seen in "Rocky", when he does his training montage and ends it with this climb up the steps and then jumps around with both fists in the air?  That was me today.  Why?  Because I did 2.5 miles today.  That is only about .5 miles away from a 5K.  If I had the Rocky song on my ipod I would have played it.  I considered rockin' it to Eye of the Tiger (which I DOOO have on my running list, everyone should) but just then a group of teenage boys walked by.   It was very sobering.  But it didn't quell the inner squeal of delight.  For the first time since we started this thing I *REALLY* believe I can do "it" I mean the 5 K....the 1/2 marathon is still on the unbelievable side of things.   All of this was made 100 times better when I walked in the house and my nearly 2 year old, but very verbal, son saw me and declared, "Mommy, you did it!  I lub ooo!"  Odds are good that he was just misfiring and showing off his vocabulary.  But, I'll take it.  And I would do it again for this sort of praise any day.  Now I am going to sign off to the oh-so-cute sound of my boy singing me a medley composed of "happy birthday to you", "wheels on the bus", "twinkle twinkle" and my personal favorite, "float on" (compliments of guitar hero and "Modest Mouse", I believe).  Awe...the good life!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A word about SUPPORT...

So, as a cautionary tale it would be important to note that one should NOT purchase sports bras in at Sam's Club.  Regardless of the deal.  Still searching for that perfect one...and hoping it doesn't cost me a fortune.  Frugal doesn't pay off in this regard.  Who knew?

On another I did week 4 day 2.  I confess that I wasn't in a good mood when I went.  
1.  I wasn't feeling well *sniff*. 
2. I was sort of agitated with my hubby *sniff* *sniff*.  
3.  I had just put Tracey on a plane *sniff* *sniff* *sniff*.  
4.  I realized that although Tracey spent her entire visit taking pictures, there are no pictures of the 2 of us together. *whaaaa* How did we let that happen?

I started this run with a pity party.  It didn't get better.  I know for some people running is therapy, but all I managed to do was think about MORE reasons to be sad.  It was pathetic.  
And then the little application voice said, "workout complete".  I was pleased to see that I had improved my distance by .2 miles.  But that was not enough to make me even crack a smile.  I hadn't died....or slipped on my sappy tears.  Good job.  Here's the best part...I realized that I actually ran TWO 5 minutes sections, not just One...*sniff?*  Are you kidding me?  Nope.  It wasn't a joke.  My legs feel it quite sincerely.  

I felt a little better after this discovery.  And just because I felt like it, I came home, showered, went downstairs, got a fuzzy warm blanket, snuggled up on the couch and watched a chick-flick.  Alone.  With my fire place blazing.  Now I really do feel better.  Chocolate may have improved the moment, but it's time to get back on the "good eats" wagon (sort of fell off it while Trace was here...not her fault....just something that happens every once in a while).

Now, back to that little bit about support.  Good shoes.  Good sports bra.  Good friends.  All essential to this experience.  The support of all 3 will ensure success.  

Monday, October 12, 2009

Two and Turkeys (Shan)

Today I hit a mini-mile marker.  I ran 2 miles.  For some of you, this might not seem like a big deal.  But, you aren't running in my shoes.  For me *THIS* is a big deal.  4 weeks ago I struggled to run for 60 seconds.  I was cursing every step I took and questioning my sanity along the way.  There was a lot of self-doubt but also a lot of support.  An alarming amount of support, in fact.  I am inspired by so many people (mostly women, gotta give 'em props)....I'm learning that lots of my friends run...and lots more are starting to run.  Today, I ran for 5 minutes.  WITHOUT stopping.  It's a big leap from the 60 seconds I started with...but still a long way from the final goal.  Which is why we make little goals along the way.  I'm going to run a 5K in November.   Are there any East Coasters who want to run with me?  Maybe we'll organize our OWN Turkey Trot....strollers optional.  No entry fee.  And probably no prizes.   I know, tempting right?  But, there will be some good laughs, good company, good memories...and an incredible sense of accomplishment.  If you're interested, let me know.  Lots of us take off for Thanksgiving and travel, but since we are organizing it, we can choose the date.  It's open for discussion.  Anyone in?  Let's talk turkey....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

OOOOOH, we're half way there...

To start with you must read the title of this blog and SING in Bon Jovi style.  Tracey and I both built our play lists 2000 miles apart without input from each other...and yet, this Bon Jovi song made it to both our lists.  It has special meaning in our friendship and we have probably listened to it together over 100 times.  It rocks.  And we felt really cool last night when WE RAN TOGETHER on a treadmill at the gym to this song.  Fists pumping in the air, out of breath, but totally loving what we were doing.  If our relationship has a soundtrack, this would be the theme song.  
Anyway, how cool is it that we actually got to run together?!?  She's here.  At my house.  With her son.  And we went running together.  It was awesome.  It will serve as motivation for the next 6 weeks.  That's right...we only have 6 weeks left to reach the 5K mark.  Are we going to do it?  I dunno.  Week 5 is looking pretty awful.  Especially day 3...which simply says, walk 5 minutes.  Run 20!  What the.....?!?!  Are you kidding me?  Tracey has a rule...she doesn't look ahead.  In fact, she just plugs in the little application and doesn't even know what she is going to do for the day...she just does what the voice tells her to do.  My approach is obviously different.  I need to know what I'm doing a week from now so that I can be prepared mentally, even if I'm not ready physically.  
So I asked Trace, "What do we do AFTER the 5K?"  I mean...our intentions are to run a 1/2 marathon...5K is a bit short of that.  Turns out there is (of course) a couch potato to 10K application that we can follow once we have completed the 5K.  Oh goody.  Still 10K...that's only 6 miles or so.  Still looking at 13 in a year.  Someone told us that if we can do a 10K then a 1/2 marathon will be easy.  I'm not one to argue with a professional, but...I Don't THINK so.  Seems to me there is a big difference between 6 miles and 13 miles!
However, I am once again willing to suspend my disbelief until I cross the finish line.  Not really...I don't believe it for one minute.  Let's hope I am singing a different tune by the end of this all.  
I know, we aren't officially "half way there"...but we're on our way and this song is going to be the anthem we sing.  Livin' on a Prayer....

Monday, October 5, 2009


Whaaaa.  I hurt.  Not a little...But a lot.  I may have possibly over done it today.  I did my running segment like a good girl.  Then I thought it would be uber-intelligent to add weights to my routine.  I had a wonderful friend meet me and run me through a circuit.  I don't know if it's more running or the addition of weights, but my legs don't currently feel like my legs right now.  And that's not necessarily a good thing.  I'm thinking that I'm going to need to do alternate days...which IS what I originally intended.  But I got over-confident and decided to do them both today.  BAD idea.  Really, really bad idea.  Tomorrow will be a recovery day rather then an "alternate" day...or maybe...just maybe I'll go do some arm weights.  We'll see how I'm feeling in the morning.  REGARDLESS, the countdown is 24 hours I will be driving to pick Tracey up at the airport.  YAY!  On that happy note, my crying from the beginning is forgotten...until I try to get up and walk across the room that is.  UGH!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Week 2: DONE!!! - Tracey

We finished W2 today.  YEA!!  Monday we begin the torture of W3.   Yea????

So, I run with an ipod touch.  I downloaded the Couch to 5k app.  It's awesome.  A very nice lady comes on and tells me when to run and when to walk.  No guessing or timing for me!  The other nice thing feature is that it is setup to play over your music.  After begging Ben for a couple of days he made me a "Running Mix".  Since Shannon was asking what people run to, I thought I would share my playlist, as well as the reasoning behind some of the songs.

Don't make fun of me.

Fergalicious (Fergie) -  Because "I'm up in the gym, just workin' on my fitness"

Here It Goes (Ok Go) - Hello? Have you seen the video? Treadmill city.

SexyBack (Justin Timberlake) - Cause that's what I'm doin'

Oxford Comma (Vampire Weekend) - I just like it.  Make sure you get the edited version

A-Punk (Vampire Weekend) - Cause Ben likes it.

Move Along  (All American Rejects)

Gives You H*ll  (All American Rejects)

Crazy in Love (Beyonce and Jay-Z) - Upbeat and gets ya movin'

Pump It (Black Eyed Peas) - See the reason above

Livin' On A Prayer (Bon Jovi) - Because Shannon and I have listened to this song 1 MILLION times together

Toxic (Britney Spears)

Pour Some Sugar on Me  (Def Leppard)

I Ran (So Far Away) (Flock of Seagulls) - Because Ben thinks he's funny

Holla Back Girl (Gwen Stefani)

What You Waiting For (Gwen Stefani)

Don't Stop Believin'  (Journey) - at our house this is Don't Stop Ben Leavin'

Spaceman (The Killers) - Uhhh . . . its the Killers

Suddenly I See (KT Tunstall) - Ben says every time this song is on TV or in a movie, it means a smart young
woman is about to be empowered.  I think he is hoping it will work for running

Can't Get you Out of My Head (Kylie Minogue)

Summertime (New Kids on the Block) - Imagine a large 9 month pregnant woman singing NKOTB at the top of her lungs in the car.  That was me last summer.

Hey Baby (No Doubt)

B.O.B. (Outkast)

I Don't Feel Like Dancin' (Scissor Sisters) - I just love this song.  I do a little dance when I hear it.

I think Ben thinks it is funny to watch me shake my booty while I run.  That could be why he finally relented and put together the playlist.

W:3 D:1 Shan

It was raining tonight by the time I got the chance to head out for my run.  So, I went to the gym and used the treadmill.  I wasn't sure I would like it, but...much to my surprise...I LOVED it.  I loved having music.  I loved being able to watch my distance, and monitor how many calories I was burning and how long I was running all on a little dashboard in front of me.  I also found that I kept my stride more even and pushed myself to go a little faster and maintain a regular speed.  This will be a good training tool for me in the future.  I'm considering running on a treadmill once a week to make sure I'm keeping my pace fast enough.  Week 3 is a bit trickier then the other 2 weeks.  Walk 90 seconds.  Jog 90 Seconds.  Walk 3 minutes.  Jog 3 minutes.  Repeat.  Then I'm done.  I did 1.5 miles in 20 minutes.  It felt great to be able to accomplish this, but it wasn't easy.  I keep waiting for it to get easy.  And every once in a while I am still daunted by the fact that I'm doing a half marathon in about 11 months...and I still can't do a 5K (3 miles).  How can I possibly run 13 miles? Right now it seems impossible.  But the prospect of a 5K is no longer so daunting.  So, I'll focus on the 5K for now.  Baby steps.   
Incidentally, I'm interested in your favorite running to share?  

Thursday, October 1, 2009

W:2 D:2 Tracey

How is Shannon ahead of me when I started the program a week before her?

Oh right, it took me 2 wks to do Week 1! But guess what?  Not Week 2!  I'm going to move on to the next week as scheduled. I'm not sure which day I will start it.  My running schedule is going to be all crazy the next couple of weeks!

As Shannon mentioned, Tuesday Sam (my son) and I fly to the east coast to hang out with Shannon and take a WHOLE bunch of pictures.  Then on the 14th Sam and I fly to Orlando where we will meet my husband and sister for some Disney World fun.  So  . . . how do I adjust the schedule?

Usually I run Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.  Shannon runs Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. I won't be able to run Sunday because I need a rest day after Saturday.  AND I doubt I will run Tuesday since Sam and I fly out at 1:00 pm.

Should I run Monday Thursday Sunday?  That will put me even farther behind Shannon!  Should I not take a break day? Maybe I'll have try to talk Ben and Shannon into switching to Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

And then the next week I need to get in 3 runs even though we are at Disney World Wednesday night on!  Where do you run at Disney World?

Maybe I'm over thinking this.

W:2 D:3 Shan

I took my 7 year old running with me today.  She's a good motivator.  She ran circles around me. Quite literally.   I was impressed and worn out.   Today was the last day of week 2.  I'm afraid to look ahead and see what I am supposed to do next time I jog.  But guess what I AM looking forward to?  Tracey is coming to visit me!  Yes!  The two of us will be spending a week together on my side of the country.  (That is top-secret-classified information so that we don't end up with stalkers.  HA!)  It's gonna be awesome and we are going to have a wonderful exciting time.  I'm sure you will get to hear all about it.  Okay, not ALL about it...but certainly lots.  

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

W:2 D:2 Shan

Today I ran a 15 minute mile...and the knee is a bit twitchy but NOT swollen.  There may be some health benefits to this after all.  My new shoes ROCK, by the way.  And a shout out to our "followers"...thanks for all the support.  It really does make a difference and I love reading your comments.  They are motivational.  Keep us moving and we'll keep you posted.

W:2 D:1 Tracey Style

Today I discovered treadmill.  Ok, techinically I already knew it existed but today I ran on it!  It was super super windy outside and I knew that would kill all motivation to start Week 2.  So, I made an appointment at the gym daycare for Sam and we ran inside.

It was much better than I thought it would be.  Here are the pros and cons of treadmill running as I see them.

Air conditioning
Daycare (especially nice when your son has been naughty ALL DAY LONG!)
Running partners can run at their own paces
You can track your heartrate
You can track your distance more accurately
Consistent pacing
The surface is MUCH more forgiving than asphault or concrete
Interesting people to watch

It's inside
The scenary doesn't change
You can't see how far you've gone on an actual trail
Your son doesn't get to be outside in the stroller
No tanning
Lots of faster skinny people to watch
You can't look at your husband's cute bottom when he runs ahead of you. (A useful distraction technique)
I think I'm faster outside.

As far as Week 2 goes, it was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be!  My joints are feeling decent and I was able to complete all of the segments on the first day!

We're making progress people.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Couch potato to 5K link

As promised:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

W:2 D:1 (week 2, Day 1) Shan

This week's goal: walk 5 minutes, run/jog 90 seconds, walk 2 minutes. Repeat walking and running for 20 minutes. This is what I did today. And for the first time I tried to track my DISTANCE as well as my time. I'm not thrilled with the results. It took me 20 minutes to run 1.2 miles! 20 MINUTES?!?! I swear in High School I use to walk a mile in 10 minutes. Okay, it's true that I'm no spring chicken anymore. A lot has changed since my high school days (thank goodness!) BUT this is disappointing. Really. 20 minutes to do 1 mile? Isn't a half marathon like 13 miles? I can't even JOG one mile right now. How am I possibly going to run/jog 13? Don't worry...I'm not discouraged. I'm not depressed. I'm angry at myself and frustrated. I'm frustrated because this week my workout will be a bit hindered. I have a "condition" called psoratic arthritis. You could google it, but why? I'm going to tell you what it means for me...(note that this manifests itself differently in a lot of people) twice a month my joints (namely my knees) become irritated and inflamed. The muscles around my knees flare up and the ones that connect to the TOP of my knee cap become SO swollen that my knee refuses to bend. I take stairs one at a time. I walk with a noticeable limp. It usually lasts 3-4 days and then goes away entirely. It's odd. It's frustrating.'s here. But, I don't know if it's because it's the first day (of my 3-4 day swollen knee) or because I've been running but the swelling isn't all that bad. I was able to jog (slower then normal and with a limp) and I am hoping that in 2 days I can go again. I'm frustrated because I'm committed and motivated but I'm hindered by a condition that there is currently no cure for. There is "maintenance" but it can only do so much. I'm sitting on my couch right now with my knee on a pillow and an ice pack on it with hopes of controlling any swelling. And although I am disappointed, I am also very happy. Why? Because I did it. I did my workout. There was a time (one week ago) when I would have simply declared all physical activity taboo to baby my knee. Instead, I went for a little jog and when it started to hurt, I slowed down...but I didn't STOP....and when it started to feel better again, I jogged a little more. I feel GOOD about that....but I'm still disappointed about the 20 minute mile. What does this mean for me? It means I'm going to fix this situation. No more 20 minute miles for me. That's gonna change.

Oh...on another note. I went to a running store and purchased my new shoes. It was humiliating. Really, it was. They made me the front of a lot of people. (Confession: I currently run on an indoor track. No one else is there to watch me and all my wiggly parts, flushy face, slow pace, suckin' wind body. And, there are no pine cones (see DAY 1 post) or cracks in the road. Just me on a nice asphalt running track. It's safe.) The nice guy who helped me recommended a couple of shoes based on the way I PRONATE (for those of you who don't know what this is, it is to walk or run with most of your weight on the outside of the feet). He recommended the ASICS: Kayano (beautiful. $139) and these:

My new shoes. I really wanted the Asics...and have decided to reward myself with them down the road. I need to EARN those babies. For now, these will be great training shoes. I talk to them when I run. I know. Crazy. But, as you can clearly see...nothing about this is sane, so it fits right in. The shoes need a name. Right now I just call 'em "Ladies". As in, "Come on ladies...kick my b*tt." They did a good job today. I tucked them lovingly back in their box when I got home. Good night, Ladies! See you in 2 days.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Killer Ankles and The Killers - Tracey

I'm sitting at The Killers concert waiting patiently for The Killers to take the stage. Luckily I can post from my Blackberry so I'm pecking out an update from a little tiny keyboard.

Ben and I finished week 1 today. I ran all of the required segments for the 3rd time this week. Yea me! The shins have been much better with the inserts! Now I just have to strenghten the ankles. They were HURTIN today! My other friend Shannen assures me that there will always be something that hurts.

Thanks. Very reassuring.

In other news I am officially under 200 lbs for the first time in 2 years. There really is something to this running thing! I might actually be able to do this. The weight is literally melting off! I can feel myself improving every day, I'm sleeping better and I'm in a better mood. All in all, a very good thing.

Now I'm going to sit here with my sweetie, without my little sweetie, and enjoy one of my favorite bands!

I have such a good life.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day Three - Shan

Just to make sure we're all on the same page: we are using a program called "Couch Potato to 5K". Tracey sent me the link....maybe we'll post it on here somewhere, so you can find it too, if you want. Anyway, it comes with a handy little "training guide". Breaking your runs down weekly. Basically you run 3 times a week. And from what I can tell each week the running segments are the same all week long. WEEK ONE is a 5 minute warm-up walk and then you alternate between jogging 60 seconds and then recovering for 90 seconds. Repeat for 20 minutes (roughly 8 cycles). Today was my 3rd day...thus concluding my first week. Just before running today I let my curiosity get the better of me and I took a look at what I would be doing in WEEK TWO. Those instructions are: 5 minute warm-up (seems like a standard expectation) followed by 90 seconds of running and then 2 minutes of recovery. Repeat for 20 minutes. I think that the eventual goal will be to run for 20 minutes without stopping...which at this point seems CRAZY...and be able to complete a 5K in about that same amount of time....which seems even crazier. But, I'm willing to suspend disbelief for now and give the program a shot.
So armed with this new knowledge I headed on out for my run with it fresh in my mind. I did okay. It isn't getting easier but today my 90 seconds of recovery felt really long and the 60 seconds felt short. After I finished my 8 required rotations I was feeling pretty okay and maybe a little bit over confident....why not try ONE segment of what I will be expected to do next time? I ran/jogged for 90 seconds. Those 90 seconds felt really REALLY long. I'm not looking forward to my next run knowing that this final rotation I did today will be my pattern for the next 3 runs and then it just gets harder...I know because I cheated and looked ahead. It's not gonna be pretty. But again, I'll suspend my disbelief. After all, one week ago I wouldn't have thought I would have done what I DID just do...I ran 3 times in one week...because I WANTED to. Not because I was being chased by a thug or chasing after my children but because I chose to do it. Maybe this isn't the craziest thing I've ever done, but I'm still trying to figure out something that tops it. Nothing comes to mind.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Legos Relate to Running - Tracey

Well . . .  mass emails must work. Shannon's crew has made a showing.

Where's mine!?

Ok, enough self-pity.

So, as promised, I took a little trip to SLC Running today.  What a wonderful place!  Since I was the only customer I got the manager all to my little self.  After explaining my quest and my pain, he stuck me on the treadmill.  He videotaped (with a real VHS tape and everything)  me as I ran to check out my form and how I run.  Come to find out my left leg is running perfectly but my right foot turns in when I run and I'm landing too far back on my heel.  This my friends (I mean Shannon's friends) is contributing to my shin splints.

But what does it all mean you ask?

Well, apparently the shoes I'm currently running in are perfect.  The Adidas Supernova.  The manager just bought them for his wife.  I was pleased that he told me this and didn't try to sell me new shoes.  He did sell me inserts.  Apparently this will help with the pronating and my high arches.  I'll let you know on Thursday.

Tracey, didn't you mention legos?

Yes . . . yes, I did. The reason you get shin splints is because the muscles are weak and separating ( I think.  I'm not a doctor.  My husband will be in a few weeks, well a Phd anyway.  His brother's are all doctors though!)   He recomended some exercises to strengthen these muscles.  The first exercise is to lay a towel flat on the floor and use your toes to pull the towel toward you.  Or my favorite, picking up legos or marbles with your toes and moving them.

Finally, my freakishly long toes will pay off.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Four Days and A Mass Email - Tracey

So judging by a mass email that I just received half of you are reading this because I invited Shannon on my crazy quest for health and fitness.  What was I thinking?  

Ok, before I get to Day 4 I thought I'd give you all a little more background on the Tracey/Shannon relationship.  Shannon and I have been friends for 13 years, not 10 as Shannon would have you believe.  

Anyway.  It was summer in Nebraska.  I was a tender 17 years old.  She was older and wiser, willing to take a little fledgling like me under her wing as I began my journey to womanhood.

From our first trip to the mall we knew that it was meant to be. We have been friends all this time even when seperated by thousands of miles. (At this moment, approximately 2059)  We actually have not lived in the same state since 1997.  We've seen each other through relationships, school, moves, jobs, marriages and births.  Shannon even picked out my husband for me.  That, however, is a story for a different day.  

So, when thinking of people to sucker convince to train with me, Shannon was at the top of my list.  Now I know why.  She outs me to the public so I'm even more accountable.  Thanks Shan!  

Okay, onto Day 4.

Today I did 8 running segments.  This is a big deal people.  I started with 3 remember?  So I'm repeating Week 1 until I can do it with some sense of confidence.  It wasn't too bad!  (Other than the blinding pain coming from my shins)  Hopefully by next Tuesday I can move onto Week 2.

I think I need better shoes.  Tomorrow I head to SLC Running per the advice of my other friend Shannen. Apparently you run on a treadmill and they watch you and determine what kind of shoes you need.

(Maybe the shoe picks you.  Kind of like wands in Harry Potter.  That would be fun!)

Apparently this should help with pesky shin splints.  I also read on a forum that KT tape helps. Anyone know anything about this? Hmmmm.

In closing, here are the reasons that I torture my shins.  Luckily, they run beside me every step of the way.

Day Two - Shan

I was excited about running today. What? You say. I hear ya. It's not what you think. I've not been converted so soon. I still hate to run. BUT...I L-O-V-E rice crispy treats. And today, I helped my son eat 2 of them. Okay, maybe it's a stretch to say I helped HIM. It would be far more accurate to say he took one bite of each treat and I polished off the rest. For those of you Weight Watcher's fans, it turns out that a rice crispy treat is roughly 2 points, depending on the size of your treat. I'm fairly certain each of my treats was larger then average. So....going to run today was motivated by the consumption of this sticky yummy treat. I did the 5 minute warm-up, then the 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 10 times. Why 10? I only have to do 8. They were BIG rice crispy squares...that's why. In the end, it turns out my efforts only earn me about 3 activity points. One square. Crap.
As far as the actual running goes, I've discovered that there are 2 very essential items that a runner such as myself needs. 1) good shoes 2) a good jog bra. So, I'm in the market for both. If I'm going to be serious about this, it's time for me to upgrade. This is an opportunity for YOU to make a difference in MY experience...and maybe share some words of wisdom with others who might have stumbled upon this blog. Speak up. Tell us your preferred shoe...or if you would rather, a shoe that simply DID NOT work for you. And, if you're brave enough to up about the jog bra. Give us a one up (or two in this case...haha) and tell us what has worked for you. I'm personally looking forward to hearing from you and promise that if I find something GOLDEN in my search for the perfect shoe and/or jog bra...I'll pass it on as well.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Weight Watchers Detention - Tracey

Last week I thought I was going to Weight Watchers detention when I ate an Albertson's Chocolate Chip cookie covered in homemade whip cream. Mmmmm.

Sorry.  I digress.

Amazingly when I input it into my online point tracker a pink slip didn't immediately shoot out of the printer.

Until today.

I lost 5 lbs last week!!!  Weight Watchers got on my case.  It told me to slow it down!  Hilarious!  Obviously WW hasn't met me or the Tres Leches cake calling my name from our refrigerator.

By the way, who makes a Tres Leches cake the first week they start running and seriously tracking points?  I think I might have to take it into the office on Wednesday and give it to the 22 yr old metabolisms that work there.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day One - Shan

Since this is my first post I guess I should do a brief intro. I am happily married to a simply amazing man. I'm a mother of 3 (2 daughters, 1 son). I have a job I find fulfilling. I go to church. I'm involved in my kids' school. I should be more involved in the community. I LOVE to entertain, create, and host parties. I'm not super healthy, but I'm working on it. I've known Tracey for over 10 years and was recently recruited to join her in this insanity. I'll be contributing to this blog every so often and telling you about my experience. And with that....

So I'm not the kind of person who uses "inappropriate language". I subscribe to the point of view that if you are an intelligent individual, you should be able to express yourself with words and phrases that reflect that intelligence. In our family "inappropriate language" includes everything from the generic swears to the mother-cringing "st*p*d" and "b*tt". (See, I can't even type the words.) All of this changed today. Why? Because today was the day I started training for the Disney half-marathon. It is one year away. And this is a VERY good thing. I don't run. Ever. I did go through a crazy stage in my late teens/early twenties when my father was on a running kick and I figured I would join him. We had some great talks during those runs. And then I tripped on a pine cone (yep...a pine cone) and ended up in a cast (yep...a cast). Thus ended my running career. Until today. I did the first workout this afternoon. With the support of my 3 children and amazing husband we went over to our gym with an indoor track. I thought this was a great family activity. We stretched. We laughed. My girls were stoked. And we started our 5 minute warm-up. They lasted 30 seconds before I heard, "Mom...when do we start running? THIS isn't running. You know're really slow." Maybe this isn't the best family activity after all. They lost interest and wondered off to another part of the gym just in time for me to do my first 60 second run. Followed by 90 seconds of walking. Not too bad. By the 3rd rotation I was reconsidering my commitment. By the 5th rotation I was thinking words that I had NEVER uttered and grateful that my children weren't around to hear me mutter under my breath. I did 10 rotations. I did NOT feel great. I don't understand runners. How could anyone possibly enjoy this? Well, it has now been 2 hours since I finished my epic first run (if you could call it that). I figure running must be like labor....during it NOTHING else is as painful and consuming. But you have to finish (after all, you're a mile from home with no car, bike or ANY other option). So you breath through the pain. And then, with one final effort it's over. 2 hours later you're thinking, "That wasn't so bad. I can do that again." That is where I am right now. It wasn't so bad. I can do it again....and I 2 days. I'm not looking forward to it. But I AM going to do it. I'm committed. I'm blogging about it, so I guess that makes me publicly committed. Stay tuned...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What have I done? - Tracey

For the last year I've been telling Ben, "It's time."

Time for another baby? NO WAY!

Time for him to graduate? Mmmm maybe.
(P.S. He will be defending his thesis in the next month! YEA!!! GO DR. BEN!)

Time for us to get in shape? You got it!

Like I said, I've been telling him this for a year.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm the stay at home mother of a busy little one year old, Sam. Not very far into my pregnancy I developed high blood pressure. From then on I was in the doctor at least 2 times a month and towards the end of my pregnancy I was going in for nonstress tests twice a week and seeing my doctor once a week. They ended up inducing me 10 days early for the safety of me and the baby.

When I went into the hospital I weighed 256 lbs. When I left I was down to 233. Sam was 8 lbs and I was retaining a TON of water. That was August of 2008. By January '09 I was down to 217 lbs. with high cholesterol. By the beginning of this summer 210 lbs (5 lbs less than I started my pregnancy). Great that I had lost all of the pregnancy weight but no where NEAR where I need to be. I'm 5'3.

Last spring I started to toy with the idea of running but I have a running phobia. I literally have not run since May of 1997 when I graduated from High School. I HATE running.

Ben (my husband) says, "Running is what they do to punish you in sports."

I wholeheartedly agree with that statement.

I have lots of darling friends and sister-in-laws who run and they all love it. They all had fabulous little bodies too. I decided there must be something to this running business.

Finally this month, I decided to suck it up and get over it. I told Ben it was time. He relented and agreed to run with me in an act of support.

The goal: Disneyland 1/2 Marathon September 2010.

Ben bought me good running shoes last spring. They've hardly been worn. I got a new iPod touch and downloaded the "Couch to 5K" app. Tuesday, we took the running stroller that was gathering dust in my mom's garage and hit the Jordan River Trail.

We warmed up for 5 minutes.

Then we ran for 60 seconds as directed.

Then we walked for 90 seconds as directed.

Ran 60 seconds

Walked 90 seconds

Ran 30 seconds.


I walked the rest of the 30 minute workout, crying and cursing because my shins hurt SO BAD and I was extremely disappointed in myself. Ben, of course was loving and supportive. We walked back and let Sam play on the playground.

Wednesday morning Sam and I gave it another shot. We walked to the library. I ran every other running segment and ended up doing 4 running segments. Of course, we did have a 10 minute break in the middle at the library, but at least it was progress.

Thursday, Sam and I just walked around the Draper park and checked out the trail.

Friday, the 3 of us walked the zoo.

Today, (Saturday) we all went down to the Draper Park again for our "run". I did 5 segments without a 10 minute break in the middle. Just a potty break.

Along with all of this I'm doing Weight Watchers . . . again. "Running" (kinda) has renewed my commitment to staying within the points. This week I will actually make it. This morning I was down to 206 lbs. I was 208 lbs on Sunday at my mom's. Not bad for a week. I even bought a pedometer.

Why am I telling you all of this? Why am I laying it out on the internet for the world?

Because there have got to be people that I love and even people I don't know who are in similar positions and there is nothing that helps me more than reading about the experiences of others.

So, you want to join me? Here is the plan.

1. Christmas 2009. Be able to run a 5K. Maybe the "11th Annual Come Run with Santa 5K" in Las Vegas

2. March 2010 - I turn 31 and I plan to run a 10K. Somewhere. There's one in St. George.

3. September 2010 - Disney 1/2 Marathon. I will finish. Even if I don't run the whole thing. I will finish.

Ben will be there. I will be there. One of my oldest friends says she is in. Anyone is welcome.

So . . . make me accountable. Train with me. Read the blog. Tell me to get off my butt and run.

Wanna contribute? Let me know! I'll add you on!

We can all do it together.

Ahh tender. Heart. Fade out.