Sunday, October 18, 2009

She's a Maniac....

So I'm thinking about titling my post with a song title that I feel describes my run for the day.  It just came to me, so I may NOT do's a thought for now.  Today's title is made better if you imagine yourself (DO NOT imagine me) doing the Flashdance moves complete with sweatband and leg warmers....if you are confident enough to include the tiny bottoms and ripped up sweatshirt slipping off your shoulder, that's for you to know...I don't wanna.
I started week 5 today.  Total killer.  Unlike all the other weeks, this week the run changes each time.  Today was alternating 5 minutes of jogging with 3 minutes of walking.  I don't fully remember how the next run goes...but I know there is an 8 minute jog in there.  AND THEN...the final run of week 5 is 20 minutes straight out!  Hello?!?  That doesn't seem very gradual to me!  I'm fairly certain I'm gonna need to squeeze a walk segment in there somewhere.  Oi!  Enough looking ahead....back to today...

Tonight the run was decent.  I kicked up my pace a bit (only .1, like I said, "a bit"...don't judge me) and was rewarded by completing another 2.5 miles 2 minutes faster.  AWESOME!  Little things like this make me happy.  It may be small, but its still an accomplishment.  I've found a new appreciation for small accomplishments these days.  And since Tracey has just informed me that we need to have a qualifying time in a 10K before even registering for a 1/2 would appear that my time will matter and just finishing it will not be an option.  Great. is a good beginner's running tip: don't run in cotton socks.  EVER.  I'll try to find little jewels like this to pass on every once in a while.  Hopefully not from personal experience.  I actually don't run in cotton socks...but I know someone who has...and as a rule, just don't do it.  It does bad things to your feet.  Trust us.

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