Friday, October 16, 2009

Rock it!

You  know that famous seen in "Rocky", when he does his training montage and ends it with this climb up the steps and then jumps around with both fists in the air?  That was me today.  Why?  Because I did 2.5 miles today.  That is only about .5 miles away from a 5K.  If I had the Rocky song on my ipod I would have played it.  I considered rockin' it to Eye of the Tiger (which I DOOO have on my running list, everyone should) but just then a group of teenage boys walked by.   It was very sobering.  But it didn't quell the inner squeal of delight.  For the first time since we started this thing I *REALLY* believe I can do "it" I mean the 5 K....the 1/2 marathon is still on the unbelievable side of things.   All of this was made 100 times better when I walked in the house and my nearly 2 year old, but very verbal, son saw me and declared, "Mommy, you did it!  I lub ooo!"  Odds are good that he was just misfiring and showing off his vocabulary.  But, I'll take it.  And I would do it again for this sort of praise any day.  Now I am going to sign off to the oh-so-cute sound of my boy singing me a medley composed of "happy birthday to you", "wheels on the bus", "twinkle twinkle" and my personal favorite, "float on" (compliments of guitar hero and "Modest Mouse", I believe).  Awe...the good life!


  1. AWESOME!!!!!! I am SOOOOO proud of you!!! Now can you please come and kick my butt? I skipped out this whole week- Why? Becuase it's TOO cold to run at 6:45 am (don't tell Em and Trine I wimped out!) Next week! I WILL get up and run your 2.5 miles! Way to go! Or should I say "Way 2.5 go!

  2. Janalee...I'm NOT a morning person. If you can tear yourself away from that cute family of yours in the evenings, that is when I prefer to run...and you can come run the indoor track with me, or the treadmill. I'm diggin' the treadmill right now. I am a numbers person and I appreciate the dash board effect. Besides, I like knowing what my pace needs to be. AND, best of's cold outside. REALLY cold.

  3. YOU GUYS ROCK....I look forward to opening this up and seeing how each day you get a little closer to that goal. It will be exciting to be at that finish line and see ya reach that goal. Share that excited feeling of knowing what appeared to be impossible was beat and you STILL CAN DO IT.

    You guys still can do it and you will find you have a new and different "depth" then you had before. It changes as we move through our journey here but it has its own way of working just as well. It just looks different. You guys inspire others and it all is making a positive difference. I cant wait to see the next success.
