Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Four Days and A Mass Email - Tracey

So judging by a mass email that I just received half of you are reading this because I invited Shannon on my crazy quest for health and fitness.  What was I thinking?  

Ok, before I get to Day 4 I thought I'd give you all a little more background on the Tracey/Shannon relationship.  Shannon and I have been friends for 13 years, not 10 as Shannon would have you believe.  

Anyway.  It was summer in Nebraska.  I was a tender 17 years old.  She was older and wiser, willing to take a little fledgling like me under her wing as I began my journey to womanhood.

From our first trip to the mall we knew that it was meant to be. We have been friends all this time even when seperated by thousands of miles. (At this moment, approximately 2059)  We actually have not lived in the same state since 1997.  We've seen each other through relationships, school, moves, jobs, marriages and births.  Shannon even picked out my husband for me.  That, however, is a story for a different day.  

So, when thinking of people to sucker convince to train with me, Shannon was at the top of my list.  Now I know why.  She outs me to the public so I'm even more accountable.  Thanks Shan!  

Okay, onto Day 4.

Today I did 8 running segments.  This is a big deal people.  I started with 3 remember?  So I'm repeating Week 1 until I can do it with some sense of confidence.  It wasn't too bad!  (Other than the blinding pain coming from my shins)  Hopefully by next Tuesday I can move onto Week 2.

I think I need better shoes.  Tomorrow I head to SLC Running per the advice of my other friend Shannen. Apparently you run on a treadmill and they watch you and determine what kind of shoes you need.

(Maybe the shoe picks you.  Kind of like wands in Harry Potter.  That would be fun!)

Apparently this should help with pesky shin splints.  I also read on a forum that KT tape helps. Anyone know anything about this? Hmmmm.

In closing, here are the reasons that I torture my shins.  Luckily, they run beside me every step of the way.

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