Saturday, September 19, 2009

What have I done? - Tracey

For the last year I've been telling Ben, "It's time."

Time for another baby? NO WAY!

Time for him to graduate? Mmmm maybe.
(P.S. He will be defending his thesis in the next month! YEA!!! GO DR. BEN!)

Time for us to get in shape? You got it!

Like I said, I've been telling him this for a year.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm the stay at home mother of a busy little one year old, Sam. Not very far into my pregnancy I developed high blood pressure. From then on I was in the doctor at least 2 times a month and towards the end of my pregnancy I was going in for nonstress tests twice a week and seeing my doctor once a week. They ended up inducing me 10 days early for the safety of me and the baby.

When I went into the hospital I weighed 256 lbs. When I left I was down to 233. Sam was 8 lbs and I was retaining a TON of water. That was August of 2008. By January '09 I was down to 217 lbs. with high cholesterol. By the beginning of this summer 210 lbs (5 lbs less than I started my pregnancy). Great that I had lost all of the pregnancy weight but no where NEAR where I need to be. I'm 5'3.

Last spring I started to toy with the idea of running but I have a running phobia. I literally have not run since May of 1997 when I graduated from High School. I HATE running.

Ben (my husband) says, "Running is what they do to punish you in sports."

I wholeheartedly agree with that statement.

I have lots of darling friends and sister-in-laws who run and they all love it. They all had fabulous little bodies too. I decided there must be something to this running business.

Finally this month, I decided to suck it up and get over it. I told Ben it was time. He relented and agreed to run with me in an act of support.

The goal: Disneyland 1/2 Marathon September 2010.

Ben bought me good running shoes last spring. They've hardly been worn. I got a new iPod touch and downloaded the "Couch to 5K" app. Tuesday, we took the running stroller that was gathering dust in my mom's garage and hit the Jordan River Trail.

We warmed up for 5 minutes.

Then we ran for 60 seconds as directed.

Then we walked for 90 seconds as directed.

Ran 60 seconds

Walked 90 seconds

Ran 30 seconds.


I walked the rest of the 30 minute workout, crying and cursing because my shins hurt SO BAD and I was extremely disappointed in myself. Ben, of course was loving and supportive. We walked back and let Sam play on the playground.

Wednesday morning Sam and I gave it another shot. We walked to the library. I ran every other running segment and ended up doing 4 running segments. Of course, we did have a 10 minute break in the middle at the library, but at least it was progress.

Thursday, Sam and I just walked around the Draper park and checked out the trail.

Friday, the 3 of us walked the zoo.

Today, (Saturday) we all went down to the Draper Park again for our "run". I did 5 segments without a 10 minute break in the middle. Just a potty break.

Along with all of this I'm doing Weight Watchers . . . again. "Running" (kinda) has renewed my commitment to staying within the points. This week I will actually make it. This morning I was down to 206 lbs. I was 208 lbs on Sunday at my mom's. Not bad for a week. I even bought a pedometer.

Why am I telling you all of this? Why am I laying it out on the internet for the world?

Because there have got to be people that I love and even people I don't know who are in similar positions and there is nothing that helps me more than reading about the experiences of others.

So, you want to join me? Here is the plan.

1. Christmas 2009. Be able to run a 5K. Maybe the "11th Annual Come Run with Santa 5K" in Las Vegas

2. March 2010 - I turn 31 and I plan to run a 10K. Somewhere. There's one in St. George.

3. September 2010 - Disney 1/2 Marathon. I will finish. Even if I don't run the whole thing. I will finish.

Ben will be there. I will be there. One of my oldest friends says she is in. Anyone is welcome.

So . . . make me accountable. Train with me. Read the blog. Tell me to get off my butt and run.

Wanna contribute? Let me know! I'll add you on!

We can all do it together.

Ahh tender. Heart. Fade out.


  1. You ROCK! Looking forward to reading about your progress and joining in on the fun. Running isn't fun. I don't care what they say. But, you're right...there do seem to be results so there must be SOMETHING to it. Let's find out...together. I'm going shopping for new shoes. You're right. It's time.

  2. Running sucks!! But, good luck!!! I would like to say that I would join you but I know that I would never dedicate myself enough to run that much!

  3. You can do it, you can do it, you can do it!! Just keep telling yourself. And what you are doing will work WONDERS trust me! I ran 5 miles non-stop on the treadmill a couple of months ago. I did not believe that was even possible for me. But I did what you are doing and it works! Now I haven't tried more than 5 but I'm sure if I worked at it I could do it! Keep it up!! Love ya!
