Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day Two - Shan

I was excited about running today. What? You say. I hear ya. It's not what you think. I've not been converted so soon. I still hate to run. BUT...I L-O-V-E rice crispy treats. And today, I helped my son eat 2 of them. Okay, maybe it's a stretch to say I helped HIM. It would be far more accurate to say he took one bite of each treat and I polished off the rest. For those of you Weight Watcher's fans, it turns out that a rice crispy treat is roughly 2 points, depending on the size of your treat. I'm fairly certain each of my treats was larger then average. So....going to run today was motivated by the consumption of this sticky yummy treat. I did the 5 minute warm-up, then the 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 10 times. Why 10? I only have to do 8. They were BIG rice crispy squares...that's why. In the end, it turns out my efforts only earn me about 3 activity points. One square. Crap.
As far as the actual running goes, I've discovered that there are 2 very essential items that a runner such as myself needs. 1) good shoes 2) a good jog bra. So, I'm in the market for both. If I'm going to be serious about this, it's time for me to upgrade. This is an opportunity for YOU to make a difference in MY experience...and maybe share some words of wisdom with others who might have stumbled upon this blog. Speak up. Tell us your preferred shoe...or if you would rather, a shoe that simply DID NOT work for you. And, if you're brave enough to share...open up about the jog bra. Give us a one up (or two in this case...haha) and tell us what has worked for you. I'm personally looking forward to hearing from you and promise that if I find something GOLDEN in my search for the perfect shoe and/or jog bra...I'll pass it on as well.


  1. Shan - I am mortified but incredibly proud of you. As far as shoes go I will put my vote for Mizuno. It would require a shopping trip to Runners Alley in Portsmouth to which I would lend my full support. As far as other methods of support go, I will be checking up on you here and heckling you if you miss too many training sessions. I will also help you by not bringing anymore chocolate ripple cakes to your home. As far as actual running goes, I am one of those people who through some genetic twist of fate find it physically impossible to run. So if you are doing anything more than intermittent jogging with at least 50% walking I am not your training partner - yet. I too need to get into shape. But if you are starting from scratch and any of your training times are when Keith is around to mind my new baby, then I'm your girl. Oh, as soon as we find us a good sports bra. Preferably one that comes in maternity sizes (ie HUGE). All the best and lots of love xx

  2. Shan- You're really going to do awesome! I run in Nike Shox and love them (that is when I run)! When I played soccer the bras that lasted the longest were the Adidas ones! I'll check on you often and you inspired me, I hooked up Dad's bike trailer today and took Abby to the park today on the bike. It felt great! Ok lots of love

  3. Okay, I have recent experience with buying just the right jog bra...keep in mind I am nursing and needed about 4x the support than ever before. After trying on a bunch of options (mostly Nike) I finally found the p-e-r-f-e-c-t bra at Target of all places. It is a Champion, and the one made out of the truly basic not very stretchy material. I bought an XS and it keeps me in like Duct Tape. Like I said, perfect.

  4. Way to go Shannon!!! You are Crazy, but MAN! you are AWESOME!!!!!

    Shoes-lightweight and NOT from payless or walmart! Splurge for a good shoe!
    Bra- 2 sports bra plus one bra lined tanktop! I didn't run my first three years in HS becuase of the big boobies bouncing effect on boys! But I got over it (and let's face it I kind of liked the boys looking at me!)and ran my senior year and I really wish I would have done it sooner! (My boobs actually shrank from running! However, three kids did something else to me!)

    My advice-MUSIC!!! Listen to some really good music with a hard beat. It really helps the miles go by faster. I used to race with "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" in my head!

  5. Hey! This is such great news! I'm very excited for you. Some of my best days have been race days. You have a lot to look forward to. And don't worry, you'll either get used to that feeling of your b*tt bouncing around or else it will just go numb, either way, it gets better...I can't comment on running bras, since I don't need one. Avoid anything that rubs anywhere, and don't wear anything new that you're not sure about on a long run. But SHOES will make or break ya. Seriously, bite the bullet and spend the dough. I'd be happy to give you some odd jobs around my house if you want some extra change. I love Asics, my glass slipper is the Gel kayano, I always try to buy the last years model because it's cheaper. For sure have a running shoe eval by a professional. Keep your toenails short and use vaseline or chafing stick on your toes before your runs (works on the uptown and downtown areas too!) I have a great music list if you're interested. Oh boy, more later... I think I wrote about my first race on my blog thosegs.blogspot look under the running label. Em

  6. Chante recommends asics for high arches...In general I too would recommend asics.

    Keep up the good work!
